Colleen Heinemann

Institution/Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Department: Computer Science.

Academic Status: Graduate Student.

What conference theme areas are you interested in:

High performance software: packages and design;
Algorithms at extreme scales;
High-order methods, novel discretizations, and scalable solvers;
Data science, analytics, and visualization;
Applications in science, engineering, and industry;
Scientific simulation and uncertainty;
Emerging trends in CS&E education and training.


I am interested in the cross section between high performance computing and scientific visualization. In addition, I am interested in allowing people to not only look at the visuals of their data, but also interact with it in 3D space through means such as virtual and augmented reality. Rather than using scientific visualization for HPC, I am interested in using HPC for scientific visualization. This means that, as datasets continue to get larger and larger, there needs to be means of visualizing these large amounts of data in a reasonable amount of time. This is where parallel computing, or HPC, comes into play. If we use HPC and parallel computing resources to generate the visualization, there will be a larger amount of data to maneuver through. By using techniques such as virtual and augmented reality, we can still visualize larger amounts of data and still be able to manipulate the data and interact with it, but in different and novel ways.

Non-Work Related Activities/Interests:

Girls Who Code — Instructor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign chapter of Girls Who Code to teach middle and high school girls Computer Science concepts and how to code

Computer Science Outreach Committee — Graduate student representative for the University of Illinois Computer Science Outreach Committee