Joshua Adejunmobi

Institution/Organization: University of Southern Florida

Department: Pharmicutical Nanotechnology

Academic Status: Masters student


Joshua is a Master’s student from the University of South Florida studying Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology with a focus on entrepreneurship. His area of interest is drug development in the nanomedicine field. His undergraduate degree is from Rennslear Polytechnic Institute graduating with a Mechanical Engineering degree with a focus on Manufacturing.


SRP offered an excellent opportunity to work in High-Performance Computing (HPC). As a student, we can get out of our comfort zones of work, and work with experts in a particular field of HPC. To complete a project alongside these experts or for the experts to help us with our specific project that intersected with their research was too good to pass on. The opportunity to work with HPC will allow us to see the power of this type of computing and areas where improvements still need to be made.