Kush Sheth

Institution/Organization: New Jersey Institute of Technology

Department: Applied Physics (Optics, Photonics, and Optical Engineering)

Academic Status: Undergraduate Student

What conference theme areas are you interested in:

Adaptive control, optimal control, and estimator design;
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for science and engineering;
Applications in science, engineering, and industry;
Data assimilation, challenges in data science, math of AI and ML;
Emerging software infrastructure for CSE, sustainability of numerical software;
High-performance computing, emerging architectures and programming paradigms;
Inverse problems, optimization, and uncertainty quantification;
Multiscale, multiphysics, and multilevel methods;
Quantum algorithms, quantum computation, and quantum information science


– Aeronautics/Avionics, Flight Controls, Aircraft Design, Coefficient of Drag/Lift Measurements for Aircraft Efficiency, Aerospace Engineering – Optics, Photonics, Photonic Devices, Optical Engineering, Opto-Electronics, Laser Systems, Electrical Engineering – Satellite Communication, Telecommunications/Fiber Optics, Radio Frequency, Microwaves – Solid State Physics, Semiconductor Physics/Circuits, Applied Thermodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, Applied Physics – Ion Drive Propulsion, Lunar/Martian Dust Mitigation, On-Board Electronic Radiation Hardening – Quantum Computing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence – Carbon nano-tube production + implementation for material science (defense & space industry) – Low-latency, high frequency trading algorithms (financial technologies) – Electronic Trading Systems/Platform API Improvement

Non-Work Related Activities/Interests:

A.) Volunteer/Community Service:

Atlantic County Utilities Association, Egg Harbor, NJ

Student Volunteer

· Petitioned for the passing of an ordinance for small businesses to reduce plastic waste by providing customers with reusable shopping bags, containers, and bottles · Dedicated my weekends to Adopt-A-Road program by cleaning up miles and miles of local roads to promote recycling and reduce littering from the community

B.) Leadership Experience:

Questbridge, Galloway, NJ

College Preparation Mentor

· Coached first-generation, college students to carve strong admissions applications consisting of supplemental essay editing, mock interviews, standardized testing assistance, and scholarship resources · Liaison for non-profit organization dedicated to sending low income, high achieving students to the nation’s top universities (since I had prior experience being selected as a finalist for program)

Residence Hall Association, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

Event Coordinator

· Accomplished goal of giving residents the ultimate on-campus dorming experience by motivating committee of 5+ members to digitally market and promote events by spreading flyers, building mailing list, and social media penetration · Strategy boosted campus life and student morale because resident turnout increased by 50% for entire academic year

C.) Extra-Curricular Projects:

AICHE Chemical Engineering Car Team, NJIT, Newark, NJ

Braking Mechanism – Pressure Clock

· Conducted research to develop a comparator circuit design that read voltage values from external DC power source · Soldered a relay switch onto propulsion circuit to cut power to chemical braking system if threshold pressure detected on Arduino sensor was exceeded

Colt M1911-A1 Handgun, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

· Utilized SolidWorks to 3-D model barrel, hammer, grip, and screws of classic U.S government action pistol adapted from 2-D engineering drawings found online · Stress-tested the load of external gun chassis onto mainspring housing to understand effects of weight distribution on firing performance