Quantum algorithms for scientific computing, Giacomo Nannicini, IBM T.J. Watson research center


Quantum computing has been studied for almost 40 years, but only recently hardware capable of running simple quantum algorithms has become available. Because quantum algorithms are faster than classical on certain tasks, it is important to understand what are their capabilities and limitations. In this GAG we will explore the possibilities of quantum algorithms for scientific computing, with an emphasis on understanding what quantum computers can do and what they cannot do.

What are the relevant conference themes? 

  • Quantum algorithms, quantum computation, and quantum information science

Short Biography:

Giacomo Nannicini is a Research Staff Member in the Theory of Quantum Computing and Information group at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. Before joining IBM, he was an assistant professor in the Engineering Systems and Design pillar at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. His main research interest are optimization and quantum algorithms. Giacomo received several awards, including the 2016 COIN-OR Cup, the 2015 Robert Faure prize, the 2012 Glover-Klingman prize.


There is a lot of confusion around quantum computers; I’d be happy to help dispel some myths and guide towards a more principled understanding.