Taking a Summer Course

Here are some tips for managing summer courses:

  • If you’re a graduate student, ask your adviser if they would sponsor you to take a summer course that is related to your field, but perhaps not required for a degree. Or maybe you want to sit in on an undergraduate course to review a particular topic that you feel rusty on!
  • If you’re an undergraduate, check out what is offered by your school this coursesummer. Summer can be a good time to get a course that has been daunting you out of the way, because you will only have that course to focus on.
  • If the topic is of interest but money is an issue, talk to the Professor of the class about your situation and ask about the possibility of sitting in on the course. There are official ways to do this, i.e., by applying to audit, or unofficial, i.e., sitting in by arrangement without it showing up on your transcript.